

Scoring good marks in NEET 2025 is very important for the aspirants if they want to stand out in the tough competition. Many students face difficulty in learning the important chemistry formulas and charts. The chemistry section consists of three portions, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry,and physical chemistry. To learn and master the concepts by heart, different strategies must be adopted by the aspirants.  

The chemistry section of the neet syllabus has a total of 45 questions, carrying 180 marks. The organic and inorganic chemistry covers 30 out of 45 questions. Dive into more to learn the important chapter-wise chemistry weightage for your upcoming NEET 2025 EXAM.

Inorganic Chemistry: Weightage of various chapters

Struggling to learn chemistry is a common problem faced by many aspiring students during their preparation phase. To ace the NEET 2025, getting a good understanding of this subject is crucial. Understanding the basic and core concept is very important to be able to answer the tricky questions. This inorganic section of chemistry covers many major scoring topics such as the varying periodic table trends, the chemical bonding principles, the various p and d block elements and their characteristics and reactions, identification of metallurgical elements, etc. 

Importance wise chapters to expect maximum questions in neet 2025 from inorganic chemistry:

Understanding  inorganic chemistry requires a good amounbt of time and patience. Learning the reagents, test reactions for the first time can be quite overwhelming. The inorganic chemistry covers 12-16 questions in the NEET question paper. The aspirants need to be very accurate while answering their paper to avoid negative markings. The chapters such as, Coordination Compounds, Periodic table and their properties, Chemical Bonding, P Block, S Block, D block, And F Block elements, Coordination Compounds,Metallurgy, and Salt Analysis is very important.

Tricks for how to cover the topics and achieve maximum score from this chapters: 

  • Analyze the weightage of the main chapters: First begin with revising the concepts from the most important chapters and topics. Focus on the main high weightage chapters like the periodic trends and chemical bonds among the elements. 
  • Proper Regular Practice and MCQ solving: To get a good score in inorganic chemistry,regular question practice is important to keep the concepts in mind. Practice the questions from the previous years and appear in as many mock tests as you can.
  • NCERT is the key: Though there are many study materials available all over the internet, focus on learning the NCERT line by line. While solving the papers, you will see, questions can come even from the diagrams of ncert.
  • Use flashcards, mnemonics and visual aids: Using this techniques will help the students with the revision and memorization. Revising regularly will also retain the maximum amount of information in the mind.
  • Give plenty of mock tests: Giving mock tests on a weekly basis and solving minimum of 150-200 questions from each subtopic will help the student to get a clear understanding iof each topic. It will also enhancify the major weak areas of the students and thereby they can rectify later.

Organic Chemistry Chapters that can't be missed in NEET 2025:

Covering the Organic chemistry portion for aceing the NEET 2025 exam is vital. You should not skip this portion at all because you can expect 14-18 questions from this part. Keeping a clear concept of various organic compounds, their reactions should be focussed.

The important chapters include general organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, haloalkanes, aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids, aromatic compounds, biomolecules, carbonyl compounds, IUPAC and Isomerism. One can expect maximum of 2-3 questions from this chapters.

Concepts and strategies to score more from the organic chemistry section:

  • Learn and revise the notes everyday: Understanding the nomenclature and the structure of formation of various organic compounds is necessary. Practicing their IUPAC names and isomerism is mandatory on a regular basis.
  • Understanding the core concepts and Practice: Focus on important reactions involving alkanes,alkynes, alkenes, and their different reactions with alcohols,ketones, acids and reagents. Keeping the basics clear allows the students to better understand the elimination,substitution, and reduction reactions.
  • Create memory formula charts and make a crisp reaction sheet: Practice conversions among various functional groups and make quick memorizable charts for faster revision. 
  • Regular revision and solving: Revising the various catalysts, temperature, solvents used invarious reactionsis impoortant on a daily basis because students tend to forget these. The clear understanding of the molecular groups, the mechanisams behind various organic reactions and products should be in the back of the memory always.
  • Learn the mechanisms and reactions whole-heartedly: Understanding the step by step approach of various reactions is very important to predict the product of unfamiliar reactions.

FAQS:(Organic and Inorganic chemistry)

1. Can I skip some portions from the organic and inorganic chemistry that I never understand?

No, you can't skip any portions from this inorganic and organic sections. This questions arevery scoring and requires little patience in te beginning while understanding the concepts. Revision is the key. Maintain regular revision schedule to keep the reaction mechanisms in mind.

2. Is organic chemistry conversions important in NEET 2025?

Conversions forms an integral part of the organic chemistry. Having a good understanding of the basiccore nomenclature is crucial. Practicing conversions will help the students to develop critical thinking skills and also will help them to build the confidence which is important to achieve success in NEET 2025.

3. How solving and analyzing mock test papers will help to get a good rank in NEET 2025?

Practicing mock test papers and revising it every alternate day will keep the important topics in mind everyday. Since mock papers are exactly in the same format as the main NEET paper, it willhelp the aspirants to maintain their high accuracy and prevent them from committing the same mistakes.