November 25, 2024
Top 9 myths vs facts that you probably believed and why they’re wrong:
Our thinking capacity is wired in such a way that sometimes it accepts certain facts and myths which are more persuasive even if it’s wrong. In our everyday life, if come across certain information that is yet to be proven scientifically, we are more likely to accept it as a fact. Various scientific information without proper existence and proof, can be easily misinterpreted among individuals. This can lead to accepting distorted facts and thereby promote misunderstanding and miscommunication.
Various media house and social sites can spread myths even they claim to produce it just for entertainment. Here are many of the myths decoded that you once believed it as a fact.
What makes people believe the myths as facts:
Some myths are still fresh even today because of their existence through various generations.
- Many historical beliefs even if decoded, they still persist because of being engraved in cultural beliefs and traditions.
- Without proper knowledge and access to the right information, many people consider the myths as facts and that leads to numerous misconceptions.
- Various articles and social media, though they claim to serve facts just for entertainment purpose, they still leave permanent impressions in our mind that changes our perception to face the reality.
- Information coming from some reputed persons even if they are wrong, carry significant importance which makes us to believe the fact.
- When people are confronted with the correct knowledge over their belief that contradicts their already stored information, they often tend to reject the fact to keep their existing beliefs intact.
- Misinformation gathered during the childhood is very hard to let go. Strong influence and educational approach must be followed to accept and face the new evidence.
Let’s decode some myths and know the actual facts:
1. Myth - Major cause of autism is due to injecting vaccines:
Fact - This myth is believed for a long time despite proving that vaccines are effective and safe. Extensive experiments and valuable research have contributed to the conclusion that autism is not spread or increased due to the vaccines. Rather, vaccination is important to prevent countless number of diseases.
2. Myth - Arthritis is caused due to cracking your knuckles:
Fact - The small popping sound that occurs while cracking your finger knuckles is due to the release of the gas bubbles that exists in the synovial fluid in between our muscular joints. There is no common or direct link between cracking of knuckles and development of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
3. Myth - Carrots consumption is directly linked to make your vision better:
Fact - Carrots are rich source of vitamin A which is vital for maintaining a healthy and proper vision, but it won’t make your eyesight improve beyond certain levels. This myth is very common among people but it is partially correct.
4. Myth - Sitting for a long time too close to the television or electronic gadgets can make you blind:
Fact - Absolutely wrong. Television, laptops, mobile phones emit radiation of much lower wavelength that have negligible effect on our body. However, it is true that sitting for a long time in front of this sources can strain your eye muscles and make you fatigue, thereby affecting vision power, but not a long-term damage.
5. Myth - You might catch cold if you are outside with wet hair during winters:
Fact - Never. Rhinovirus is responsible for you to catch cold which are not only present outside, but also inside your house. However, if you stay out for the entire day during winters or rain, you might get runny nose, cough, and chills. This are the similar symptoms which your body encounters when you are sick and chilled.
6. Myth - Exercising rigorously can give you better results in a short span of time:
Fact - Overtraining or overstretching your muscles will lead you to face fatigue and muscle weakness. There should be significant amount of time given for muscle recovery. Exercising rigorously will ultimately result in reduced muscle strength and thereby decrease your effectiveness of results. Give some time to repair and rebuild after every workout session.
7. Myth - Getting yourself a gym membership is important to stay healthy:
Fact – You don’t need expensive gym equipment and membership to stay fit and maintain your overall fitness. There are many free hand exercises and alternative options to the gym machines that you can purchase and use and stay fit from the comfort of your homes. Invest your time in online fitness programs and resources which promises same results and allows you to stay focused.
8. Myth - Squatting must be avoided to improve knee health
Fact – Squats are one of the basic exercises that everyone practices almost daily. Sometimes your muscles are stiff and you are unable to do the squat posture correctly. With some proper guidance and training under an educated instructor, you can easily and safely practice squat and keep aside your knee injuries.
9. Myth – An X-Ray can cause cancer
Fact – X ray in the medical field is used so that your healthcare expert can get a better and detailed image of your body in order to treat and diagnose your health condition. The radiation levels are very low in an X-Ray, so getting cancer from undergoing an X-ray treatment is negligible. If you are advised to get an X-Ray, follow your doctor’s advice and treat your underlying disease.
1. What is arthritis?
There are many different types of arthritis that are being faced by people. Namely, Osteoarthritis is mainly caused due to the wearing of cartilage present in joints whereas rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder.
2. How can I get a permanent cure from the pain of arthritis?
Getting a permanent cure from arthritis is tough. However, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet including foods that are rich in antioxidants and omega -3 fatty acids are important. Regular exercise and keeping a balanced healthy weight can help you to regulate the pain.
3. What are the main causes of cancer?
Cancer can be caused due to various reasons including mutations of various genetic sequences, exposure to viral carcinogens, infections, and acquired mutations throughout a person’s lifetime.