
NEET Physics Syllabus 2024: Topics, Weightage, and Preparation Tips


NEET Physics Syllabus 2024

Class 11 Physics Syllabus

Unit Topics
Unit 1 – Physical world and measurement Need for measurement – units of measurement; systems of units; SI units, fundamental and derived units, errors in measurement; and significant figures. Dimensions of physical quantities, dimensional analysis, and its applications, Least Count (newly added)
Unit 2 – Kinematics The frame of reference, motion in a straight line; position-time graph, speed, and velocity. Uniform and non-uniform motion, average speed, and instantaneous velocity. Uniformly accelerated motion, velocity-time and position-time. Scalar and vector quantities: addition and subtraction of vectors. Relative velocity. Unit vectors. Resolution of a vector in a plane-rectangular components. Scalar and vector products of vectors. Motion in a plane. Cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration – projectile motion. Uniform circular motion.
Unit 3 – Laws of Motion Intuitive concept of force. Inertia, Newton’s first law of motion; momentum and Newton’s second law of motion; impulse; Newton’s third law of motion. Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications. Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling friction. Dynamics of uniform circular motion. Centripetal force, examples of circular motion (vehicle on level circular road, vehicle on banked road)
Unit 4 – Work, Energy and Power Work done by a constant force and variable force; kinetic energy, work-energy theorem, power. The notion of potential energy, potential energy of a spring, conservative forces; conservation of mechanical energy (kinetic and potential energies); non-conservative forces; motion in a vertical circle, and elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions.
Unit 5 – Motion of systems of particles and rigid body Centre of mass of a two-particle system. Centre of mass of a rigid, Basic Concept of Rotational Motion (newly added). The momentum of a force-torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum with some examples. Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equation of rotational motion, comparison of linear and rotational motions; moment of inertia, radius of gyration. Values of M.I. for simple geometrical objects (no derivation). Statement of parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications.
Unit 6 – Gravitation Kepler’s law of planetary motion. The universal law of gravitation. Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth. Gravitational potential energy; gravitational potential. Escape velocity, the orbital velocity of a satellite. Motion of a Satellite, Time Period, and Energy of a Satellite (newly added)
Unit 7 – Properties of solids and liquids Elastic behavior, stress-strain relationship. Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear, modulus of rigidity, Poisson's ratio; elastic energy. Viscosity, Stoke’s law, terminal velocity, streamline, and turbulent flow. Critical velocity, Bernoulli’s theorem, and its applications, Pressure Due to Fluid Column, Pascal's Law and Its Application. Effect of Gravity on Fluid Pressure (newly added). Surface energy and surface tension, angle of contact, excess of pressure, application of surface tension ideas to drops, bubbles, and capillary rise. Heat, temperature, thermal expansion; thermal expansion of solids, liquids, and gasses. Specific heat of capacity: Cp, Cv-calorimetry; change of state-latent heat. Heat transfer – conduction, convection, and radiation. Qualitative ideas of Black body radiation. Wein’s displacement law.
Unit 8 – Thermodynamics Thermal equilibrium and definition of temperature (zeroth law of thermodynamics). Heat, work, and internal energy. The first law of thermodynamics. Isothermal and adiabatic processes. The second law of thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible processes.
Unit 9 – Behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done on compressing a gas. Kinetic theory of gases: Assumptions, concept of pressure. Kinetic energy and temperature; degrees of freedom, the law of equipartition of energy (Statement only) and application to specific heat capacities of gases; the concept of mean free path, RMS Speed of Gas Molecules, Avogadro’s Number (newly added)
Unit 10 – Oscillations and waves Periodic motion-period, frequency, displacement as a function of time. Periodic functions. Simple harmonic motion(SHM) and its equation; phase; oscillations of a spring-restoring force and force constant; energy in SHM – Kinetic and potential energies; simple pendulum – derivation of expression for its time period. Wave motion. Longitudinal and transverse waves, speed of wave motion. Displacement relation for a progressive wave. Principle of superposition of waves, reflection of waves, standing waves in strings and organ pipes, fundamental mode, and harmonics. Beats.

Class 12 Physics Syllabus

Chapter Name Subtopics
Electrostatics Electric charges and their conservation. Coulomb’s law. Electric field due to a point charge. Electric potential and potential difference. Equipotential surfaces. Conductors and insulators. Capacitors and capacitance. Energy stored in a capacitor.
Current Electricity Electric current and Ohm’s law. Electrical resistance and resistivity. Kirchhoff’s laws. Wheatstone bridge and potentiometer.
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Biot-Savart law. Ampere’s law. Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field. Magnetic field due to a current-carrying conductor. Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Electromagnetic induction. Faraday’s law. Lenz’s law. Self and mutual inductance. Alternating currents. Power in AC circuits. AC generator and transformer.
Electromagnetic Waves Need for displacement current. Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics. Electromagnetic spectrum.
Optics Reflection and refraction of light. Spherical mirrors and lenses. Optical instruments. Wave optics and Huygens principle. Interference and Young’s double-slit experiment.

Detailed NEET Physics Syllabus 2024:

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has outlined a detailed syllabus for NEET 2024, encompassing topics from both Class 11 and Class 12 Physics. Familiarity with this syllabus is crucial for candidates to focus on relevant topics and avoid unnecessary ones.

NEET Physics Syllabus 2024

Class 11 – Physics Chapters

NEET Physics Chapters & Topics NEET Physics Topic wise Questions NEET Physics Marks Distribution NEET Physics Weightage (%)
Physical World & Measurement 4 16 8%
Dimensions of Physical Quantities 2 8  
Significant figures 1 4  
The International System of Units 1 4  
Kinematics 3 12 6%
Motion in a Straight Line 2 8  
Motion in a plane 1 4  
Laws of Motion 1 4 2%
Conservation of Momentum 1 4  
Work Energy & Power 1 4 2%
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body 3 12 6%
Angular Velocity 1 4  
Centre of Mass 1 4  
Moment of Inertia 1 4  
Gravitation 1 4 2%
Acceleration Due To Gravity Of The Earth 1 4  
Properties of Bulk Matter 3 12 6%
Surface Tension 1 4  
Viscosity 1 4  
Elastic Moduli 1 4  
Thermodynamics 1 4 2%
Kinetic Theory of Gases 1 4 2%
Oscillation and Wave 2 8 4%
Some Systems Executing Simple Harmonic Motion 1 4  
Transverse and Longitudinal Waves 1 4  
NEET Physics Questions & Weightage from Class 11 20 80 40%

NEET Physics Class 12 Weightage

Chapter Number of Questions Marks Weightage (%)
Electrostatics 4 20 8%
Electric Dipole 1 4 -
Electrostatic Potential 1 4 -
Energy Stored in a Capacitor 1 4 -
Equipotential Surfaces 1 4 -
Current Electricity 5 20 10%
Drift of Electrons and the Origin of Resistivity 1 4 -
Electrical Energy, Power 2 8 -
Temperature Dependence of Resistivity 1 4 -
Wheatstone Bridge 1 4 -
Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism 3 12 6%
Amperes Circuital Law 1 4 -
BIOT-Savart Law 1 4 -
Solenoid and Toroid 1 4 -
Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating Current 4 16 8%
Faraday's Law of Induction 1 4 -
Magnetic Flux 1 4 -
AC Voltage 1 4 -
Representation of AC Current 1 4 -
Electromagnetic Waves 2 8 4%
Electromagnetic Spectrum 1 4 -
Relation Between Electric Field, Magnetic Field and Speed of Light 1 4 -
Optics 4 16 8%
Refraction by Lenses 1 4 -
Total Internal Reflection 1 4 -
Interference of Light Waves and Young’s Double-Slit Experiment 1 4 -
Polarization 1 4 -
Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation 2 8 4%
Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation 1 4 -
Wave Nature of Matter 1 4 -
Atom & Nuclei 3 12 6%
Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom 1 4 -
Radioactivity 1 4 -
Size of the Nucleus 1 4 -
Electronic Devices 3 12 6%

NEET Physics Questions & Weightage

Category Questions Marks Weightage (%)
From Class 12 22 88 48.89%
From Class 11 & 12 45 180 100.00%

NEET Physics Syllabus Analysis: Year-wise Exam Difficulty and Question Count

Exam Year Easy Questions Marks Moderate Questions Marks Difficult Questions Marks Grand Total Questions Grand Total Marks
NEET 2020 37 148 7 28 1 4 45 180
NEET 2021 15 60 25 100 7 28 47 188
NEET 2022 23 92 21 84 6 24 50 200
NEET 2023 34 136 14 56 2 8 50 200

NEET Physics Syllabus Analysis

NEET Physics Year-wise Analysis

Exam Year Easy Questions Easy Marks Moderate Questions Moderate Marks Difficult Questions Difficult Marks Grand Total Questions Grand Total Marks
NEET 2020 37 148 7 28 1 4 45 180
NEET 2021 15 60 25 100 7 28 47 188
NEET 2022 23 92 21 84 6 24 50 200
NEET 2023 34 136 14 56 2 8 50 200

NEET 2022 Class-wise Weightage – Number of Questions

Class 11

Chapter Number of Questions
Gravitation 1
Kinetic Theory 1
Law of Motion 1
Mechanical Property of Fluids 2
Mechanical Properties of Solids 1
Motion in a Plane 1
Motion in a Straight Line 2
Oscillations 1
Particle System with Rotational Motion 3
Thermodynamics 1
Unit and Measurements 4
Wave Optics 1
Wave 1
Work Energy and Power 1

Class 12

Chapter Number of Questions
Alternating Current 2
Atoms 1
Current Electricity 5
Matter and Radiation Have a Dual Nature 2
Electric Charges and Fields 1
Electromagnetic Induction 2
Electromagnetic Waves 2
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 3
Moving Charges and Magnetism 3
Nuclei 2
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 2
Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits 3
Wave Optics 1


NEET Physics Syllabus Relevant Topics:

  • Key concepts for NEET preparation include atoms, nuclei, semiconductors, electromagnetic waves, matter, and radiation’s dual nature.
  • Focus on Thermal Physics, Electric current, Ray optics and wave optics, and Electric charges and fields.

NEET Physics Syllabus Important Chapters – Classwise:

  1. Class 11:
    • Units and measurements
    • Motion in one dimension
    • Laws of Motion
    • Work, Power and Energy
    • Gravitation
    • Heat and Thermodynamics
  2. Class 12:
    • Capacitor
    • Magnetism
    • Electromagnetic Wave
    • Electromagnetic Induction
    • Current electricity
    • Alternating current
    • Wave optics
    • Modern Physics
    • Semiconductors

NEET Physics Syllabus 2024 Best Books:

NEET Physics Syllabus Books are essential for comprehensive preparation, offering clear explanations, practice questions, and exam strategies. These books ensure a strong foundation in physics, guiding students toward success in the NEET exam.

NEET Physics Best Books

Book Name Author
Concepts of Physics, parts 1 and 2 H C Verma
Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
Objective Physics (Volumes 1 and 2) DC Pandey
NCERT Exemplar Class 11 and 12 NA
Physics MCQ D Mukherjee


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