December 30, 2024
How to remember anything longer and faster: Tricks for NEET 2025 success
Majority of the NEET aspirants want to discover what changes in their study table can help them retain the concepts for a longer time. There are several minute tips that will be mentioned which will help out every student, especially the NEET 2025 candidates, to boost their memory. The first question that arises is, how do we remember information in our brain?
In our memory, there is a neuronal pathway. Our brain has a structure called the hippocampus. The signal from the hippocampus goes directly to the mammillary body, from there it goes to the Anterior Thalamic Nucleus of the Thalamus. In our brain, there's a region above the corpus callosum known as the cingulate gyrus. The signal from the Anterior Thalamic nucleus goes to the cingulate gyrus.
The signal from the cingulate gyrus can go either to the anterior Thalamic nucleus or to the hippocampus. This cyclic pathway is followed by the information in our memory. It should be ensured that the information that you want to store in your memory, goes through the cyclical path multiple times. You will be able to retain the information much better if it passes through the cycle multiple times.
Is revision important?
It should be made sure that you implement definite revision patterns into your daily study schedule. If you think, about what will be more effective, studying a topic completely for 10 hrs in a particular day Or studying the topic for 1 hr for 10 years, the latter will be more effective. This is better and more effective for the memory structure. In psychiatry, memory is of two types, one is implicit memory and the other one is explicit memory. The implicit memory is also known as the procedural memory. If we keep the information in the implicit memory, then we will remember the information more properly.
Here are top 7 strategies that will push you toward NEET 2025 success
- Practice Active Recall Process: Follow the Pomodoro Technique. If you study for 20 minutes straight reading, then offer yourself a 10-minute active recall session during which you can recall what you have learned in the last 20 minutes. Note down the definitions, types, and examples of the topics which you have covered. The best way to practice active recall is by doing MCQs from the topics you learn.
It’s not important to practice the active recall process on the same day. To evaluate yourself better, you can do the practice on the next day. You can create a flowchart based on what you have understood about the topic. Draw diagrams based on the information stored in your memory. This will make your active recall process faster and help you remember longer, thereby ensuring your NEET 2025 success.
- Spaced Revision: You have to know the correct way to train your memory that will boost your long-term memory.
- Once you learn a topic, make sure that you revise it multiple times in order to retain the information longer.
- Spaced revision improves your retention power as you are revisiting your study material at specific intervals.
- Every revision session helps you combat forgetting and allows you for in-depth understanding of the subject.
- Follow this spaced revision technique by using flashcards, memory charts, and summaries that will prevent the information from fading from your brain.
- Grouping: Try to understand the concept of group revision technique. Once you complete learning a chapter or a segment and move onto the next, you cannot invest the same amount of time into revising the previous chapters. This time the grouping revision technique will help you out. You can target your revision to the most important concepts and theories which will maximize your chance of NEET 2025 success.
- Mnemonics: You can use Mnemonics that will power your brain to learn and retain information for a longer time. Mnemonics helps in recalling and retaining knowledge more easily. Mnemonics makes it easier for the brain to store concepts by organizing the information systematically, thereby enhancing attention and concentration. Using mnemonics while preparing for the NEET 2025 examination, you can encourage a more positive learning experience by reducing the anxiety associated with memorizing complex information.
- Visualization: Visualize and revise the diagrams of your NCERT textbooks. You can also follow the IBQ (Image Based Questions) of PrepMed, that will also help you in the active recall recall process by visualizing the concepts. Visualization enhances memory retention by activating the sensory areas of the brain. This helps you in creating strong associations between the visual representation and your knowledge. Visualising the diagrams and concepts helps you to understand the information better, thereby making the learning process more engaging.
- Teach someone else: If you teach the same study content to your peers or classmates, you will actively engage with your study material, thereby enhancing your knowledge about the topic. While teaching any specific topic to someone else, you will have to break down the complex matter into simple manageable sections, thereby allowing you to highlight the areas where you need reinforcement and improvement. Teaching someone else will boost your confidence in the subject, improve your ability to recall the information, and strengthen your long-term retention.
- Sleep: To improve the functions of your memory, take proper and adequate sleep for at least 6-8 hours a day. When you sleep, the brain stabilizes the information learned throughout the day. The hippocampus region of the brain is responsible for organizing new memories, thereby transferring them to long-term storage areas in the brain. Sleep reduces stress and also enhances the brain’s ability to recall information accurately.
1. What can I do to memorize as much as possible for NEET 2025?
Engage in active recall learning that will deepen your understanding of the concepts better and help you in long-term retention. Incorporate techniques like using mnemonics, spaced revision and visualization that will significantly improve your ability to perform your best in NEET 2025.
2. How frequently should I review my notes for best preparations for NEET 2025?
For the best revision plan, revise your notes frequently to reinforce the information and consolidate your understanding. Take weekly and monthly revision sessions which will ensure that the knowledge stays fresh in your memory.
3. How practicing MCQs will help in better revision?
Revising by practicing MCQs will ensure that you have understood the topic clearly and it strengthens your memory retention. This thorough MCQ practice sessions will ensure that you are well sufficient to answer different types of questions effectively and more accurately.